Tomatekh's Kuikuro really simple but fun UA that gives you a nice open ended form of play. CaptainS's Qin is a fun game breaking Civ if your willing to make the effort to add compatibility to other Civs to get the most out of the uniques that are about stealing other uniques. EmeraldRange's Konbaung is incentivized to move its capital around like a grade school flat Stanley project. Our first mod is Millenium-Dawn Modern Day for Conquerors. But now we started modding for aoh2 again. Can see it being really fun with 60 Civs as you create DC Comics style speedsters with UA. MOD STILL IN DEVELOPMENT Hi Iam great war with 200 events scenario producer beag5 Me and my team took a break from modding due to a few negative situations that happened to us.
TopHatPalladin's Northern Yuan - One of the best domination focus designs. Colonialist Legacies + Thirdvoice's Yugra - Interesting wide religious, trade, and culture centric Civ. Homusnubii's (might be misspelling his name) United Kingdom under Clement Atlee- If you like a growth themed civ is a ton of fun for cultural and science victory. Tomatekh's Xia/Ertilou led by Yu The Great - Fun wide civ with flexible playstyle